Summary Report of the Varietal and Cultrural Improvement Research Projects on Vegetable Crops, 1964 - 65


  • Slearmlarp Wasuwat Bangkhen Agricultural Experiment Station


The program of research on varietal and cultural improvement of vegetable crops consist of investigations on techniques of selection and seed production of some vegetables that we have to import their seeds. Crops under studied at the present are Chinese radish, Chinese kale and edible podded peas. Major researches on other crops include garlic, onion, potato, tomato, watermelon and cantaloupe. Principal research policies on garlic, onion and potato are the improvement of production and storage; whereas in tomato, studies on resistant varieties to diseases are undertaken. Some works on the control of diseases of watermelon and cantaloupe in cooperation with the Kasetsart University and the Plant Science Division of the Department of Agriculture have also been included in the Projects.




How to Cite

Wasuwat, Slearmlarp. 1965. “Summary Report of the Varietal and Cultrural Improvement Research Projects on Vegetable Crops, 1964 - 65”. Agriculture and Natural Resources 5 (3). Bangkok, Thailand:159-67.



Research Article