The Retention of Copper in Hariana Cattle


  • Prasert Rienkeow Department of Animal Science, Kasetsart University


Cattle and sheep in many countries have been found to suffer from the copper deficiency. A general statement made by G.K. Davis of Florida that most of the area in the world where the rainfall is heavy, copper and cobalt deficiencies in that area are common. Ataxia, stringy wool, depigmentation of hair, anemia, etc., are the common symptoms associated with copper deficiency (Russell and Duncan, 1956). Sahia and Kehar (1951) have reported low copper content in straws and hays. Sahia (1948) carried out metabolism trials in cattle with different levels of copper intake and found the requirement of this trace mineral to be 6.5 mg./100 1b. body weight. This value nearly corresponds with the finding of Chou and Adolph (1953) that copper deficiency in ruminants can be prevented when the animals are kept on a ration containing 7 ppm of copper.




How to Cite

Rienkeow, Prasert. 1966. “The Retention of Copper in Hariana Cattle”. Agriculture and Natural Resources 6 (1). Bangkok, Thailand:1-6.



Research Article