An Integrated Simulation Model for Resource Management in the Nam Pong Basin


  • suraphong kosiyachinda The research was partially supported by USDA.ARS.
  • Lert Chuntanaparb Department of Forest Management.Faculty of Forestry Kasetsart University


This report summarizes the findings of the final phase of the Nam Pong project. The objecttive of this project have been (i) for developing quantitative assessment arising from the construction.and operation of the Nam Pong dam in 1964. (ii) for planning and for actual management of resource in the basin.The second objective is the main theme of this report. this study was composed of three phases. Phase I represented a comprehensive data collection effort comprising an extensive literature review. a reconnaissance survey of the basin."a post audit" of socio-economic aspects and preparation of an annotated bibiography Phase II was assentially a fact finding exercise to identify ecological changes mainly through field data collection. this final phase commenced in 1980 was hybird exercise of transferring an integrate management methodology to a group of Thai scientist and of applying such methodology to the case of Nam Pong basin's resource management. The most important final products that emerged form this exercise were (i) a management oriented "an integrated simulation model" taken into account four main basic subsystems-land,water. fish and socio-economic and (ii) An identification or institutional structure and the constraints affecting management of basin resources, and resolution recommended.




How to Cite

kosiyachinda, suraphong, and Lert Chuntanaparb. 1984. “An Integrated Simulation Model for Resource Management in the Nam Pong Basin”. Agriculture and Natural Resources 18 (1). Bangkok, Thailand:40-54.



Research Article