Aggressive Behavior in the Male Platy, Xiphophorus maculatus (Gunther)


  • Suebsin Sontirat Faculty of Fisheries. Kasetsart University.


Aggressive behaviors of the male platy. in general. are. the same as in other male fishes that have parental care behavior. These fishes are aggressive and have their own territorialities more than those without parental care that leave their eggs and or youngs on their own ways. The study on aggressive behavior of the male platy occurs naturally. it was performed as an example for ones who are interested in studying behaviors of aquatic animals. including fish, on how to oberve behavior patterns and how to collect data from the experiment. Studies on behavior should be done by observing all patterns closely. especially on ethological ways which may be related to other factors. Excluding these. behavioral studies are also important to several fields such as aquaculture. taxonomy. etc.




How to Cite

Sontirat, Suebsin. 1984. “Aggressive Behavior in the Male Platy, Xiphophorus Maculatus (Gunther)”. Agriculture and Natural Resources 18 (2). Bangkok, Thailand:99-107.



Research Article