Preliminary Studies on the Response of Chrysanthemum Indicum “Hung Chow” to Photoperiod.


  • Adisorn Krasaechai Dept. of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Chiangmai Univ.


Some rooted cuttings of Chrysanthemum indicum ‘Hung Chow’ during the studies of the response to the photoperiod, showed rosette type of growth. Under shortday conditions, time from commencing of the shortday to bud visible stage of the rosette cuttings was 162.5 with the leaf number of 74.3, while those with normal type of growth were 21.5 for the former and 24.4 for the latter. Under continuous longday conditions, both time to reach bud visible stage and leaf number are greater than those in shortdays. Those with rosette type of growth, the time to reach bud visible stage was 266.2 with the leaf number of 92.4, while those with normal type of growth were 246.3 and 81.5 respectively. The cause of the rosette was discussed.




How to Cite

Adisorn Krasaechai. 1988. “Preliminary Studies on the Response of Chrysanthemum Indicum ‘Hung Chow’ to Photoperiod”. Agriculture and Natural Resources 22 (1). Bangkok, Thailand:1-7.



Research Article