Studies on Anthelmintic Activity of Sakae naa (Combretum quadrangulare Kurz) seeds on Round Worms of Buffalo Calves.


  • Peerapol Euswas Dept. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart Univ.
  • Somporn Srirod Dept. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart Univ.
  • Prem Choontanom ภาควิชาศัลยศาสตร์ คณะสัตวแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
  • Tasnee Chompoochant กลุ่มงานปาราสิตวิทยา กองวิชาการ กรมปศุสัตว์


The anthelmintic activity of Sakae naa (Combretum quadrangulare Kurz) seed on round worms of buffalo calves was studied. The expertimental buffalo calves were belonged to the farmers in Amphoe Kaset Somboon, Chaiyaphum provice. The dried ripe seeds of Sakae naa were ground and dissolved in water before oral administration. The results showed that the seeds can be used as a round – worm anthelmintic for buffalo calves. The dosages of one seed, one half seed and one third seed per kilogram of body weight or equivalent to 54, 27 and 18 milligrams per kilogram of body weight respectively, can decreased the number of Neoascaris vitulorum eggs in the feces to zero within 1-3 weeks after a single oral administration. Toxicity of Sakae naa seed was also confirmed. The dried ripe seed of Sakae naa also have no acute toxicity to albino rats and mice when administered orally in a single dose of 582 and 1985 milligrams per kilogram of body weight respectively. The drug of such doses neither kill both experimental rats and mice nor cause any clinical signs of toxicity within 48 hours after the administration.




How to Cite

Peerapol Euswas, Somporn Srirod, Prem Choontanom, and Tasnee Chompoochant. 1988. “Studies on Anthelmintic Activity of Sakae Naa (Combretum Quadrangulare Kurz) Seeds on Round Worms of Buffalo Calves”. Agriculture and Natural Resources 22 (3). Bangkok, Thailand:201-6.



Research Article