Study on Salmonella Carrier Rate in Native Chickens


  • Chantana Kunjara Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart Univ.
  • Srismai Kupooan Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart Univ.
  • Kiti Srisuparbh Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart Univ.
  • Dhanirat Santivatr Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart Univ.


Studies on the prevalence of Salmonella in native chickens were conducted. Samples included visceral and feces were collected and examined for Salmonella spp. By cultured on specific selective and indicative media for this organism. Four of all 599 (0.67%) of chickens under studied were positive for Salmonella spp. And were futher biochemical and serological differentiated in to 3 species included S. pullorum, S. havana, and S. Stanley. The former two serotypes were shown to be more resistant to various commonly used drugs than the third one. Experimental infection of the three Salmonella spp. Isolated in native chickens resulted in some deaths in group of S. pullorum inoculated chickens and typical white lesions were revealed on cardiac muscle and liver of died chickens. Salmonella of the same species were frequently isolated daily from feces collected from live chickens for at least 30 days after infection. The low carrier rate of Salmonella obtained from this study might not indicate extensive spread in native chickens. However , attention should be paid on this infection due to its easy transmit and long term being as carrier after recoverd from infection.




How to Cite

Chantana Kunjara, Srismai Kupooan, Kiti Srisuparbh, and Dhanirat Santivatr. 1987. “Study on Salmonella Carrier Rate in Native Chickens”. Agriculture and Natural Resources 21 (1). Bangkok, Thailand:46-53.



Research Article