Postharvest Handling of Orchid Flowers by Growers


  • Saichol Ketsa


Informations of postharvest handling of orchid flowers by growers resulted from the survey of 61 growers. The results showed that 82.52% growers cut orchid flowers by snapping the peduncle of inflorescences and no recut of peduncles made by knifes or scissors before shipping cut orchid flowers to the exporter. Cut orchid flowers might (57.14%) or might not (42.86%) be watered. Watering cut orchid flowers might be done by spraying (38.88%), covering with moistened cheeseclothes (27.78%) or soaking their peduncle ends in water (33.34%). Water given to cut orchid flowers was the same source as used for orchid plants and 81.97% of growers used water from canels. All of growers never used the preservative solution. If growers had to deliver their orchid flowers to the exporter by themselves, most of them (64.21%) used non-refrigerated minitruck by placing orchid flowers in the large wooden boxes (61.29%) or laying orchid flowers on the floor of minitruck (35.48%)




How to Cite

Saichol Ketsa. 1987. “Postharvest Handling of Orchid Flowers by Growers”. Agriculture and Natural Resources 21 (2). Bangkok, Thailand:151-56.



Research Article