Milk Yield and Milk Compositions of Lactating Cows Fed Hay and Concentrate Supplement with/without Cottonseed Cake and/or Bole (Lake Soil)


  • Nega Tolla Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center P.O. Box 35, Ziway, Ethiopia.
  • Pravee Vijchulata Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
  • Pornsri Chairatanayuth Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
  • Suwapong Sawsdiphanich Departement of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.


milk yield, milk compositions, cottonseed cake, bole soil, dairy cow


A study was conducted to investigate milk yield and milk compositions of lactating Holstein Friesian cows fed native hay and a concentrate supplement with/without cottonseed cake and/or bole. Thirty two animals with 524±54 kg average body weight were blocked by their expected due dates of calving. Soon after calving each animal was assigned in a randomized complete block design to one of the four dietary treatments of concentrate alone (C) (control), 45% of the the concentrate by weight replaced with cottonseed cake (C+CSC), concentrate plus 3% bole (C+bole) and 45% of the concentrate by weight replaced with 45% CSC plus 3% bole (C+CSC+bole). Intake of hay was significantly (p<0.05) different among treatments. Supplements, total dry matter, crude protein and metabolizable energy intake were not significantly (p>0.05) different among treatment groups. Crude protein intake in treatments C, C+CSC and C+CSC+bole were 13.4, 20.6 and 11.5% higher than the estimated daily requirement
respectively, while the intake of those in treatment C+bole was nearly at requirement level. Intakes of ME for treatments groups of C, C+CSC, C+bole and C+CSC+bole were 4.4, 10.3, 9.6 and 13% lower than the estimated daily requirement respectively. There were no significant (p>0.05) milk yield
differences among treatments. However, animals fed the treatment diets of C+CSC, CSC+Bole and C+CSC+Bole produced 7.4, 16.3 and 18.2% higher actual milk and 14.3, 24.2 and 25.7% higher 4% fat corrected milk than the control group respectively. Milk fat content was significantly (p<0.05) different among treatments. But milk fat yield, milk protein contents and yield were not significantly (p>0.05) differed among treatments. Lower milk protein contents were observed throughout the treatment groups than expected might be due to low non structural carbohydrate contents of the diets. Supplementing a concentrated diet with 3% bole alone was found biologically and economically profitable. However, optimum levels of CSC and bole to be included in a concentrate diet have to be assessed further.




How to Cite

Nega Tolla, Pravee Vijchulata, Pornsri Chairatanayuth, and Suwapong Sawsdiphanich. 2006. “Milk Yield and Milk Compositions of Lactating Cows Fed Hay and Concentrate Supplement with/without Cottonseed Cake and/or Bole (Lake Soil)”. Agriculture and Natural Resources 40 (3). Bangkok, Thailand:657-67.



Research Article