Influence of k-carrageenan concentration on some properties of snack from ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis)


  • Dr.Kitisart Kraboun Rajamangala University of Technology


snack, ivy gourd, k-carrageenan, properties


Carrageenan has been used by the food industry for their gelling, thickening and stabilizing properties, and more recently by the meat industry. This research aimed to study the effect of k-carrageenan concentrations at 2, 3 and 4% w/v of on moisture content, aw, hardness, chlorophyll content, L*, and BI values of the raw and fired snacks from ivy gourd. Pearson’s correlation coefficients of moisture content, aw, hardness, chlorophyll content, L*, and BI values in the raw and fried snacks from ivy gourd were also studied. The results showed that the formula added with 4% w/v k-carrageenan led to higher moisture content and aw and hardness values of the raw and fried snacks. The L*values of the raw snacks increased with the increased k-carrageenan concentration (P≤0.05); whereas, the L* values of the fried snacks of all formulae were not significantly different (P>0.05). The L* values of the raw snacks was an index for and BI, which were significantly negatively correlated with ho (r = -0.954) and BI (r = -0.969).


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How to Cite

Kraboun, Dr.Kitisart. 2021. “Influence of K-Carrageenan Concentration on Some Properties of Snack from Ivy Gourd (Coccinia Grandis)”. Food and Applied Bioscience Journal 9 (2):10-21.



Food Product Development, Sensory, and Consumer Research