Study of charcoal briquette from longan wood
Longan charcoal briquettes, calorific value, heat utilization efficiencyAbstract
The study is aimed to investigate the caloric value of longan wood charcoal briquette. The powder of charcoal was prepared by traditional charcoal kiln. Mixing ratios consist of charcoal powder from longan charcoal, water and cassava starch are 0.47:0.47:0.06. The properties of longan charcoal briquettes considered include moisture content, calorific value were analyzed based on American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard and heat utilization efficiency analyzed based on water boiling test. The results revealed that longan charcoal briquettes had moisture content of 6.65 ± 0.03 % and calorific value of 5,509.85 ± 0.65 cal/g accordance with the Thai Community Products Standards for Tcps. 238/2547 and heat utilization efficiency of 7.69 ± 1.15.
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