The prevalence of respiratory sarcopenia in preoperative cardiac surgery patients in Thammasat University Hospital
Cardiac surgery, Respiratory sarcopenia, Respiratory muscle weakness, Respiratory muscleAbstract
Respiratory sarcopenia is a condition characterized by the weakness of respiratory muscles associated with sarcopenia due to aging or systemic inflammation such as cardiovascular disease. Patients with cardiovascular disease commonly experience exertional dyspnea, which exercise intolerance, physical inactivity and a subsequent decline in quality of life. Thus, this study aimed to explore the prevalence of respiratory sarcopenia and compare between no sarcopenia, no sarcopenia and low respiratory muscle strength, no respiratory sarcopenia and no respiratory sarcopenia. A cross-sectional study was designed with total of 122 participants. All participants were diagnosed with respiratory sarcopenia according to the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia 2019, consisting of skeletal muscle mass test (measured bioelectrical impedance analysis), muscle strength test (measured handgrip strength), physical performance test (gait speed test) and respiratory muscle strength test (measured respiratory pressure meter). All data analyzed by SPSS program Version 20.0. Descriptive statistical analysis was used. Chi–square test and ANOVA were conducted to compare these parameters. P-value is set as less than 0.05. The results found that the prevalence of respiratory sarcopenia during preoperative cardiac surgery patients was 56.56%. Participants with respiratory sarcopenia had a significantly lower maximum inspiratory pressure (32.68±15.58 cmH2O, p<0.001), low muscle mass index (6.01±1.51 kg/m2, p<0.001) and low muscle strength (22.75±9.68 kg, p<0.05) than those without. In this study, respiratory sarcopenia in preoperative cardiac surgery patients shown a reduction in respiratory muscle strength compared to no respiratory sarcopenia.
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