Capacity and Market Demand of Wellness Tourism for Hot Springs, Phetchabun Province

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Narumon Janma


This study a cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to find the need for activities to support health tourism from natural hot springs and the potential to accommodate health tourism.  Using an interview form with a line of Self Administered Questionnaire. By choosing the quota form, it is the selection of samples according to the characteristics of the researcher's interest, that was collected via in-depth interviews from the sample quota sampling of 40 tourists who use the natural hot springs in Nam Ron Sub-district, Mueang District, Phetchabun Province, and was collected through in-depth interviews from a group of tourist officers, community leaders, health tourism business owners, a total of 40 participants. The data analyze by content analysis. The coefficients were .78 and .72, respectively. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data.

The results showed the need for activities to support health tourism; tourists. The mind care dimension required. To support health tourists service, participants need to survive for local food, homestay for tourists, drinking coffee in hot springs, and activity check-in at view Ban Rai and Khao Rop Chang, respectively. It was also found that obstacles to tourism in the community of tourists are the lack of connection between health service providers and tourism providers. There are few service points and areas for bathing or bathing in natural hot springs. Natural hot springs lack the staff to provide service, and GPS positioning points suggesting directions to tourism locations are unclear.

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How to Cite
Janma, N. (2022). Capacity and Market Demand of Wellness Tourism for Hot Springs, Phetchabun Province. Journal of Science and Technology CRRU, 1(1), 40–56. Retrieved from
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