Study of biogas production from maize waste

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Saritporn Vittayapadung


The objective of this research was to study biogas production from maize waste using simple and household type of fermentation system. Biogas production set was included 2 main equipment; (1) anaerobic fermentation tank of 200 Liter which made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This tank was for fermented the materials from maize residues (Maize cob and husk) and cow manure. Cow manure was used for working as catalyst and also building the anaerobic bacteria inside the tank. Anaerobic fermentation tank must be in close system and did not allow for air moving inside. Manual agitator was installed on the top of the tank for mixing all material inside and improve anaerobic bacteria activity. (2) Biogas storage tank of 200 Liter that same volume to anaerobic fermentation tank was for storage biogas which produced from fermentation system. The storage tank was included of turning upside down tank that turning down in main storage tank and it was using for storage biogas inside by floating up in case of the gas was happened. There was a conveyed pipe sending gas to final using. The research results of the study were found that biogas from fermenting maize residues produced 2.48 Liter of gas in time duration of 18-21 days. Gas concentration level was 95.6%. The conclusion in this research can achieve and reach the objectives and finding that the production of biogas is enough for using in people household.

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How to Cite
Vittayapadung, S. (2023). Study of biogas production from maize waste. Journal of Science and Technology CRRU, 2(1), 72–81. retrieved from
Research article


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