The Development of Massage Chairs for The Elderly Using Computer Software by Integrating from Local Wisdom

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Yingyong rungfar
Wuttichai Youngswaing
Maturose Chaoraiparn


      A study on the development of a massage chair for the elderly with a computer program by
integrating from local wisdom, with the aim of designing and building a massage chair for the elderly using a computer program and to evaluate the efficiency of the massage chair for the elderly.
Movement of muscles and joints Aches and pains caused by anchoring lines, sinking lines, assessed
by elderly people and specialists in Thai massage. The samples used in the research were Elderly men and women. The researchers selected a specific sample group (purposive sampling) by selecting the elderly men and women with aches and pains caused by joints, sinking lines, and problems in movement of muscles and joints, total of 10 people. from the Institute of Geriatric Rehabilitation Medicine, Department of Medicine, Ministry of Public Health Nonthaburi Province. The research tools are Interview form with Thai massage specialists Product design expert interview form. An interview form with experts in the field of computer programming systems and an efficacy evaluation form by conducting an efficacy evaluation 8 weeks, 2 days a week, 1 hour a day. Health for the elderly with computer programs by integrating local wisdom. The massage chair has overall dimensions: width 900
mm., length 2,000 mm., height 1,500 mm. The main structure of the massage chair is made of round steel with a diameter of 1.5 inches. The part that is attached to the armrest is made of ABS plastic using an injection molding process. The part used for the seat, backrest and footrest are made of plywood, size 16 mm, covered with synthetic leather. The main part works by applying the principles of Thai massage therapy for therapeutic mechanisms through mechanical systems to apply pressure points. and in relaxing massage in various points of the body, including the occipital, back, arms, legs, foot reflexology There is an air bag system made of rubber as a mechanism for massage and pressure points. Controlled by microcontrollers Caregivers or users can choose to massage different parts of the body. By processing the work that is programmed, the results will be displayed on the LED screen.
In terms of the efficiency of improving the movement of muscles and joints, it was found that
Elderly 2nd and 4th to 10th were assessed as very good. As for the elderly with moderately good
assessment results, they were Elderly 1 and 3 As for the results of the assessment of the efficacy of
aches and pains caused by the sinking line, it was found that the 2nd and 5th to the 10th elderly were assessed in the As for the elderly, the assessment results were moderately good. Elderly Person 1, Person 3 and Person 4

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How to Cite
rungfar, Y., Youngswaing, W. ., & Chaoraiparn , M. . (2022). The Development of Massage Chairs for The Elderly Using Computer Software by Integrating from Local Wisdom. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Research Journal, 15(1), 60–73. retrieved from
Research article
Author Biographies

Yingyong rungfar, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Wuttichai Youngswaing, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Maturose Chaoraiparn , Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture


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