Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Jib, Mali-Dam and Dok-Makam Rice

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Sommai Patitungkho
Kingkaew Patitungkho
Karupakorn Laeid-on


The purpose of this research was to study the chemical constituents and antioxidant capacity of 3 rice landraces as follows: Jib rice, Mali-Dam rice and Dok-Makam rice was nutritious rice landrace and when analyzed by quantitative content found that the highest content of jib rice was the average sodium of 16.63 mg, average magnesium equal to 135.33 milligrams, Mali-Dam rice has an average vitamin B1 content of 0.48 mg, calcium 10.72 mg, iron 3.95 mg, zinc 1.90 mg, a total phenolic content of 463.73 mg GAE/100g extract and Dok-Makam rice contains B2 0.24 mg phosphorus 336.83 mg potassium 204.26 mg copper 0.7 mg amylose 16.62 mg and niacin 4.79 mg. Antioxidant capacity was analyzed by DPPH and FRAP techniques was found that the average Mali-dam rice was 82.44% and 55.44 mg Fe/100g extract, followed by the average Dok-Makam rice was 78.23% and 52.18 mg Fe/100g, while Jib rice the lowest was 78% and 51.96 mg Fe/100g respectively.

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How to Cite
Patitungkho, S., Patitungkho, K. ., & Laeid-on , K. . (2023). Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Jib, Mali-Dam and Dok-Makam Rice. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Research Journal, 2566(1), 39–47. retrieved from
Research article
Author Biographies

Sommai Patitungkho, Buriram Rajabhat University

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science

Kingkaew Patitungkho, Buriram Rajabhat University

Department of Library and Information, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Karupakorn Laeid-on , Buriram Rajabhat University

3Department of General Science, Faculty of Education


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