Tian corn var. “Tian Ayutthaya 60”

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กิตติ บุญเลิศนิรันดร์
สุชาดา บุญเลิศนิรันดร์
เสน่ห์ บัวสนิท
ชูศักดิ์ จอมพุก


          Variety is an important technology for the development of Tian corn production system to support the market expansion, which demands high volume product and good quality. The purpose of this research was to develop new Tian corn variety with higher yield than that of local variety and good agronomic characteristics.  Breeding program was carried out during 2011 to 2015 by extraction of inbred lines from local Tian corn population and backcross population. Selection of inbred lines and combining ability tests were performed. S6 inbred lines with good general combining ability, namely RSTi # 1, RSTi # 3, RSTi # 5, RSTi # 6, RSTi # 9 and RSTi # 10 were all recombined to be F1 synthetic variety Syn#3 AB (Syn1) and planted for random mating within population to be F2 synthetic variety Syn#3 AB (Syn2). F1 and F2 synthetic varieties were planted with check variety to compare yield potential. It was found that F2 synthetic variety gave higher yield than local Tian Ban Koh variety and had good agronomic characteristics. The husk and unhusk yields were 1.57 and 0.96 tons/rai, respectively.  Marketable ears of 11,840 ears/rai, silking day of 39.8 days after first irrigation, good ear size with the ear length of 14.4 cm and ear diameter of 2.94 cm and the averaged straight row number 12 rows were found. Overall score of taste was 8.0/9.0. F2 Tian corn synthetic variety Syn#3 AB (Syn2) has been registered by the Department of Agriculture and certified as a registered plant variety, namely "Tian Ayutthaya 60".

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บุญเลิศนิรันดร์ ก., บุญเลิศนิรันดร์ ส., บัวสนิท เ., & จอมพุก ช. (2018). Tian corn var. “Tian Ayutthaya 60”. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 6(1), 1–11. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutsb-sci/article/view/124240
Research Article


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