The paint factory’s wastewater: COD removal by chemical precipitation method

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อนุภัทร สุดบรรฑิตย์
ณัฏฐวี ชั่งชัย


          Wastewater from paint factory contains various heterogeneity compounds and needs appropriate treatment before released into environment. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the optimum condition of coagulants (ferric chloride and polyaluminium chloride) i.e. coagulant dosage and pH, and to compare the COD removal efficiencies of the coagulants. Wastewater samples were collected from a tank of spray painting process and it was subjected to study COD removal by using chemical precipitation method through Jar test experiment. The average values of raw wastewater characteristic were pH 7.01+0.03, turbidity 803.67+8.14 NTU, color 440.80+1.86 SU, and COD 1,120+13.23 mg/L. Result of the study found that an optimum condition for ferric chloride was 500 mg/L at pH 5 with 33.04% the highest efficiency in COD removal. In addition, an optimum condition for polyaluminium chloride was 600 mg/L at pH 7 with 37.90% the highest efficiency in COD elimination. Result demonstrated that the effective in COD removal of polyaluminium chloride was very similar to ferric chloride.

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สุดบรรฑิตย์ อ., & ชั่งชัย ณ. (2018). The paint factory’s wastewater: COD removal by chemical precipitation method. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 6(2), 171–181. retrieved from
Research Article


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