Modeling and simulation of energy storage system with multiple energy storage devices using energy management at DC-bus

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Peerapon Chanhom


          This research presents the modeling and simulation of energy storage system with multiple energy storage devices using DC-bus energy management approach. This approach combined the grid-connected inverter operating in constant voltage mode, where the DC-bus was regulated, and the multiple bidirectional buck-boost converters independently control the charging and discharging of electric power on each storage device. This allowed the system to manage the dispatched power at the DC-bus, where the total amount of dispatched power at the DC-bus were proportional to the electric power delivered to or stored from the grid. The advantage of this method was that the system was compatible with storage devices with wide-voltage range, which made it possible to work with many storage types. In this research, the energy storage system with battery and supercapacitor was modeled and simulated by the MATLAB/Simulink program. The results showed that the system had an ability to control the charging and discharging of electric power on each storage device as desired. The dispatched power could be combined or circulated at the DC-bus, and the total amount of dispatched power were proportional to the electric power delivered to or drawn from the grid. In addition, the simulation results during the start and finish mode of the supercapacitor also verify the advantage of the system that could be compatible with storage devices with wide-voltage range.

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How to Cite
Chanhom, P. (2021). Modeling and simulation of energy storage system with multiple energy storage devices using energy management at DC-bus. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 9(1), 52–68. retrieved from
Research Article


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