Effect of bioextract on growth and yield of arrowroot (Tacca Ieontopetaloides)

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Rusama Marubodee
Wachiraporn Ruanpan


          Nowadays, the trend of natural cosmeceuticals has been increasing, especially loose and pressed powder which main ingredient is Talcum. However, previous researches of the American cancer society (ACS) found that Talcum could be carcinogen. Therefore, the ACS researches suggest to use the powder from natural product instead. As a result, the cosmetic business needs a large quantity of arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides) to be used as a main ingredient in cosmeceutical products. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the effect of bioextract on growth and yield of arrowroot at 5 months after sowing. The experiment was designed in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) consisting of 8 treatments, 3 replications. Treatments consisted of bioextract from milk hormone, bioextract from egg hormone, bioextract from banana shoot and bioextract from fruits.  The results showed that all treatments of bioextract had significant difference in growth and yield. Arrowroots treated with bioextract from banana shoot showed the highest SPAD unit of 40.22. While leaf length, number of tubers, fresh and dry weight of tubers were 16.61 centimeters, 8.70 tubers/plant, 2,235.05 grams/plant, and 681.39 grams/plant, respectively and not significantly different from control. Nevertheless, using of bioextract from banana shoot tends to get the highest yield in arrowroot production.

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How to Cite
Marubodee, R., & Ruanpan, W. (2020). Effect of bioextract on growth and yield of arrowroot (Tacca Ieontopetaloides). RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 8(2), 153–164. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutsb-sci/article/view/243901
Research Article


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