Application of Taguchi method for friction stir spot welding process between aluminum alloy Al6061-T6 and high strength steel by studying optimization of production machining parameters

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Anusak Silachai
Suriya Prasomthong


          This research was to investigate the optimum factors of the friction stir welding process between Al6061-T6 aluminum alloy and HSS-590 high strength steel by applying the Taguchi experimental design to reduce the number of factors that have no effect on the welding process. In this study, 3 parameters of welding were examined: welding speed, welding feeds and plunge depth. From the experiment, it was found that the optimum welding factors were the welding speed of 1,500 rev/min, the welding feeds of 80 mm/rev and 1.5 mm of plunge depth, the average maximum tensile strength of 3.58 KN and the S/N ratio was 11.07. In the repeated experiment, it was found that the results were close to the first experiment calculated by Taguchi method, which was considered acceptable by estimated model coefficients of 95.21%. Therefore, the Taguchi method can be used to design an efficient friction stir spot welding process between Aluminum alloy Al6061-T6 and high strength steel.

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How to Cite
Silachai, A., & Prasomthong, S. (2021). Application of Taguchi method for friction stir spot welding process between aluminum alloy Al6061-T6 and high strength steel by studying optimization of production machining parameters. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 9(1), 69–82. retrieved from
Research Article


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