Development of an application for forecasting the sweetness of pomelo on smartphone using deep learning technique

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Nattavadee Hongboonmee
Perayut Khunbun


          The objectives of this research were 1) to develop a pomelo sweet forecasting model using deep learning technique, 2) to develop an application for forecasting pomelo sweetness level for using on smartphone with android operating system, and 3) to assess the satisfaction of the application. This research was conducted by collecting 600 sample images of four pomelo types such as sweet Khawtaengkwa, unsweetened Khawtaengkwa, sweet Thakhoi and unsweetened Thakhoi. The sample images were analyzed and generated classifier models using a deep convolutional neural network. The results showed that the model of the convolutional neural network had a high efficiency, which was able to classify pomelo sweetness levels with the average accuracy of 97%. Therefore, this model was used to develop a user interface for a smartphone application, whereby the application ran the model through a series of instructions to analyze the sweetness levels of the pomelo images. The performance evaluation showed that the application was able to classify images and the sweetness levels of pomelo with average accuracy of 81.25%. The results of the system satisfaction assessment by users were good level with an average of 4.19. The experimental results indicate that an application can classify effectively sweetness levels of pomelo with convenience and speed. In addition, it helps to promote sale and confidence for the products from pomelo farmers.

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How to Cite
Hongboonmee, N., & Khunbun, P. (2021). Development of an application for forecasting the sweetness of pomelo on smartphone using deep learning technique. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 9(1), 92–105. retrieved from
Research Article


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