The reduction of ammonia-nitrogen in synthetic leachate using fermented bio-extracts

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Salinee Phonmat
Nattapohn Charoensuk
Likhit Noichaisin


          Landfill leachate is defined as the liquid generated during the process of landfilling consisting high loads of refractory organic matter, inorganic salts, heavy metal ions high ammonia concentration and various toxic contaminants. In general, high ammonia concentration was not decreased with increasing the landfill age. This research aimed to study the reduction of ammonia-nitrogen in synthetic old and young landfill leachates using fermented bio-extracts. The fermented bio-extract used in this experiment was one month fermented time. The appearance was brownish yellow containing brown silts. It had a sour and sweet odor and a slight smell of alcohol with consisting of 4.66 mS/cm of conductivity, 3.67 of pH, 2.11×105 CFU/mL of bacteria, 2.88×104 CFU/mL of fungi, 1.47×103 CFU/mL of yeast and 2.11×105 CFU/mL of actinomycetes, respectively. The suitable concentration of fermented bio-extract was observed for reducing amounts of ammonia-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen and nitrate-nitrogen in synthetic old and young landfill leachates. The results showed that 1.0% of fermented bio-extracts reduced ammonia-nitrogen in synthetic old landfill leachate which showed the removal as 92.92%, while 2.0% of fermented bio-extracts reduced ammonia-nitrogen in synthetic young landfill leachate which showed the removal as 80.59%. The obtained results of this study could be used as a guideline for the biological reduction of the amount of ammonia-nitrogen in synthetic landfill leachates and used to combine with other landfill leachate treatments.

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How to Cite
Phonmat, S., Charoensuk, N., & Noichaisin, L. (2021). The reduction of ammonia-nitrogen in synthetic leachate using fermented bio-extracts. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 9(1), 118–132. retrieved from
Research Article


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