The study and health analysis of low voltage circuit breaker and transformer in 22,000 volts substations

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Phummarin Thavitchasri
Jakrapan Nanthaphunkul


          This research presents the study and health analysis of low voltage circuit breaker and transformer in 22,000 volts substations. The objective of this research was to study the current conditions for system management of electricity supplies production in factory. The equipment failure occurred previously resulting to the process failure. The study was consisted of 6 substations and the data was collected from procedure of research methodology by using data record of physical conditions and specific test results. The calculations of the health index of transformer 12 units indicated that the health index of transformers was very good for 4 units, good for 4 units, fair for 2 units and poor for 2 units, which should be plan for urgent maintenance to protect the occurring failure. The results of health index for circuit breaker in total 12 sets were very good for 6 units, good for 4 units, and poor for 2 units. The results of health index of transformer and low voltage circuit breaker could be used to analyze the condition of equipment’s set-up maintenance plan to extend the shelf-life of equipment and to continuous the efficiency of power distribution system.

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How to Cite
Thavitchasri, P., & Nanthaphunkul, J. (2022). The study and health analysis of low voltage circuit breaker and transformer in 22,000 volts substations. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 10(1), 1–10. retrieved from
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