Light emitting diode: Application to modern plant cultivation

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Napat Watjanatepin
Khanittha Wannakam
Pattanapong Sinpaitoon
Pakorn Somboonkit


          Precision agriculture is a new generation of crops that produce large, high-quality crops in limited spaces and use the resources as needed. The author presents a model of the use of light-emitting diodes in modern crops by synthesizing data from academic articles in the ScienceDirect and TCI databases, and data from light-emitting diode manufacturers. The results of the study found that 430-450 nm blue light enhances photosynthesis efficiency and growth, also increases chlorophyll and plant biomass. Red light mixed with blue light with a greater proportion of blue light, or blue light alone, increase anthocyanin, carotenoid and chlorophyll, improving the plant's photosynthetic rate. Therefore, it is most suitable to be used for cultivating seedlings of plants. 660 nm red light increases the amount of chlorophyll, lutein phenolic and yield, stimulates persistence and flowering to accelerate growth rate, which is highly beneficial for plant photosynthesis. 730 nm infrared light is suitable to be used in conjunction with red and blue lights in the production of plants in indoor horticulture systems. It can be supplemented during the growth phase of the plant to enlarge the leaf size, thereby contributing to increase photosynthesis. The artificial light from light-emitting diodes is cost-effective, long-lasting, and has a high efficiency of converting electrical energy into photon flux, which greatly accelerates plant growth. Light-emitting diode lamps are used in greenhouses for growing crops by illuminating the top and inside of the plants. In artificial lighting plants and vertical farms where leafy vegetables are grown, top lighting is provided. The most popular light-emitting diodes used in modern crops are 630 nm red light and 660 nm dark red light, 430 nm blue light and 450 nm royal blue light, 730 nm infrared light and white light at a color temperature of 4000-5700 K.

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How to Cite
Watjanatepin, N., Wannakam, K., Sinpaitoon, P., & Somboonkit, P. (2022). Light emitting diode: Application to modern plant cultivation. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 10(2), 216–242. retrieved from
Academic Article


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