Study of standards and performance of light-emitting diodes based solar simulators
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Solar simulators are critical tools for solar cell research, development, testing, and evaluation. This study examines research on a photovoltaic device's LED (light-emitting diode) solar simulator and incorporates the synthesis's findings into a new body of knowledge. We also makes scholarly observations that could inspire new research questions in the future. The authors examined relevant scholarly articles from international databases. The results revealed that the LED-based solar simulators were classified into two groups: LED solar simulators and halogen-LED solar simulators. A solar simulator with six different LEDs can be used to test solar cells in standard test conditions. However, it was discovered that the light spectrum deviated significantly from the AM 1.5G spectrum. The enhanced light quality is accomplished by limiting the divergence from the standard spectrum using 10-23 emitting diode color mixing techniques, and it may be used to evaluate solar cells in the 350–1100 nm wavelength range. Most of the light-emitting diodes used are high-power type, operating with a voltage of 12-36 V DC, using independent control methods with constant current and voltage sources and controlling the light spectrum from a computer. Designing and building light-emitting diode modules that can be expanded to increase the light test area, automatically adjusting the simulated light intensity and spectrum to change over time, and studying the impact of temperature on the performance of artificial solar simulators are all trends in the construction of solar simulators. This includes researching new techniques to improve the performance of light-emitting diode solar simulators to the highest class in accordance with IEC 60904-9: 202 are all in line with these trends.
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