A solution to the shortest path problem in communication networks based on Q-learning

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Danuphon Yingyong
Yotsanan Chandam
Kritsada Mamat


This paper proposes an application of a Q-learning algorithm to solve the shortest path problem in communication networks, which are widely used in both wireline and wireless communications. The objective is to minimize the cost occurred in a transmission process. The cost may refer to transmit power and time delay. To bench mark such a proposed method, Dijkstra’s, Bellman-Ford’s, and Floy-Warshall’s algorithms, which are existing methods, are taken into a comparison. The research method begins with studying Dijkstra’s, Bellman-Ford’s, and Floy-Warshall’s algorithms to obtain some insights of advantages and disadvantages. In applying the Q-learning, the shortest path problem is decomposed into Q-learning’s components such as agent, action, state, environment, and reward which can be completely used in training process. Experimental results show that all methods provide the same solution. For the Q-learning method, it can be stated that this method requires a small number of episodes in training procedure e.g., 35 episodes for the interested example. Furthermore, it can also be found that the Q-learning algorithm offers all paths for any sources to the destination node. This is comparable with the Floy-Warshall’s algorithm. However, the Q-learning method requires less complexity in calculation. Furthermore, it can be concluded from the study results that the Q-learning method can be applied in multiple source-destination pairs.

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How to Cite
Yingyong, D., Chandam, Y., & Mamat, K. (2024). A solution to the shortest path problem in communication networks based on Q-learning. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 12(1), 104–118. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutsb-sci/article/view/259679
Research Article


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