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ชนัญญา สังวาลย์
อุทัย ปริญญาสุทธินันท์




Ranod and the rice farmer's changing way of life amidst globalization

The qualitative research was performed to study the changing pattern of farmer ,s life in rice farm lands in Chedi Ngam Community of Ranod district, Songkhla Province. In-depth interviews were made with 15 people in different walk of life covering community[s leaders, local people and officials. Further focus group conversation, including 3-5 local people per group were made, and non-participatory observation, analysis as well as synthesis were also used. The results were reported by means of descriptive analysis. The study showed that the opening of the mouth of Rawa Bay, led to the flow of sea water into the rice fields which ultimately caused flooding in the field, affecting the fertility of soil. In addition, globalization brought the capitalism in farming business to this place. The investigation also showed that the farmers need to utilize the changed land by oil palm plantation and/or cultivating vegetables and/or promoting tourism and/or leaving the field unproductive. Moreover, their perceptions were that this change might affect their living status in the community. On the other hand, the finding indicated that people at this locality were somewhat disappointed due to the loss of rice field and alarming change in the farm land. However, plantation of the high yield oil palm may bring differences in economic status, social life and the way of life instead.

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How to Cite
สังวาลย์ ช., & ปริญญาสุทธินันท์ อ. (2014). ระโนดกับวิถีชีวิตชาวนาที่เปลี่ยนแปลงท่ามกลางกระแสโลกาภิวัฒน์. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 2(1), 57–65. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rmutsb-sci/article/view/98935
Research Article