Effects of Wheat Flour and Royal Oyster Mushrooms on Texture Characteristics of Meat Analogue

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Pana Lohasupthawee
Natvara Damrongmongcolkul
Thunyares Boonpongsa
Ekkashai ๋Jewyean
Linchong Suklampoo


The objective of this research is to study the effects of wheat flour and royal oyster mushrooms on texture characteristics of meat analogue. The main ingredients for the meat analogue are tofu from soybean and peanut, soybean and peanut residues, ricotta cheese, wheat flour and royal oyster mushroom. The formation of meat analogue was affected by the concentration of wheat flour (0, 5, 10, 14, 18, 22 and 25% w/w). The texture of meat analog with different   concentrations of wheat flour was measured using Texture Analyzer. It was found that the more amount of wheat flour, the more Hardness and Chewiness increased. We decided to use 18% w/w of wheat flour in our recipe for improving the meat analogue texture by adding Royal Oyster Mushroom at different concentrations (0, 3, 7, 10, 13 and 16% w/w). The results showed that 7% w/w of Royal Oyster Mushroom gave the highest Hardness and Chewiness. The National Food Institute conduced the evaluation of the nutritional composition of our meat analogue, the results showed that 50 grams of our meat analogue provided 130 kilocalories of energy, 5 grams of total fat, 7 grams of protein, 14 grams of total carbohydrate, and 210 milligrams of sodium.

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How to Cite
Lohasupthawee, P., Damrongmongcolkul, N., Boonpongsa, T., ๋Jewyean E., & Suklampoo, L. (2021). Effects of Wheat Flour and Royal Oyster Mushrooms on Texture Characteristics of Meat Analogue. Journal of Science Ladkrabang, 30(2), 1–11. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/science_kmitl/article/view/246734
Research article


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