Development of Protein Free Noodle

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Rossaporn Jiamjariyatam
Aunnaporn Chaidech
Kittitat Naithong
Rawiwan Soitongjaroen
Weena Thongrod


The objectives of this research are to find the standard formula of protein free noodles, and to investigate the effect of using starch to substitute flour on the physical, chemical properties and sensory characteristic of noodle. The 5 ratio of flour per starch at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% were examined. Sensory evaluation using 7-point hedonic scales showed that the most accepted products were the flat noodle made with flour to starch ratio of 75% and the Vietnamese noodle made from flour to starch ratio of 75% and 100%. Increasing the amount of starch resulted in a significant increase in the sensory preference score on softness. The hardness of noodle decreased with increasing starch content. Conversely, the hardness of Vietnamese noodle increased with increasing the starch replacement. Protein contents of the flat noodle and Vietnamese noodle at the ratios of flour per starch of 75% and 100% were less than 1%.

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How to Cite
Jiamjariyatam, R., Chaidech, A., Naithong, K., Soitongjaroen, R., & Thongrod, W. (2021). Development of Protein Free Noodle. Journal of Science Ladkrabang, 30(2), 106–120. Retrieved from
Research article


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