Power-Law Process and Its Applications on Repairable Systems with Incomplete Failure Data

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Jularat Chumnaul


The power-law model is a widely used model to examine and evaluate the reliability of repairable systems before they are used or sold to customers. In this article, basic statistical inference for parameters of the power-law model with incomplete failure data is presented, and it will take into account cases where some failure times in the early phase of system testing cannot be recorded. This type of incomplete failure data is a common occurrence during the process of system development and essential to establish a warranty policy for products. In addition, at the end of this article, an example is given to illustrate the application of the power-law process to engine failure times where some data cannot be recorded.

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How to Cite
Chumnaul, J. (2022). Power-Law Process and Its Applications on Repairable Systems with Incomplete Failure Data. Journal of Science Ladkrabang, 31(1), 73–89. Retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/science_kmitl/article/view/249500
Academic article


จุฬารัตน์ ชุมนวล. 2563. กระบวนการเพาเวอร์ลอว์และการประยุกต์ใช้กับระบบที่ซ่อมแซมได้. วารสารวิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์, 19(2), 175-187. [Chumnaul, J. 2020. Power-law process and its applications on repairable systems. The Journal of Applied Science, 19(2), 175-187. (in Thai)]

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