Data Logger System in Sugarcane Using Internet of Things

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Anuwat Jaidee
Suniphan Srisuphotnanont
Premkamon Phumla


This research presents the development of an environmental data collection system in sugarcane fields using Internet of Things technology (IoT technology). The study involved designing and installing soil moisture sensors at three points in a 1-acre experimental sugarcane plantation. Additionally, a weather monitoring station was installed to collect data on temperature, air humidity, sunlight, wind speed, wind direction, and rainfall. All data was stored in a database system to solve the problem of errors in storing weather data in sugarcane fields and for yield forecasting, annual production assessments, disease and storm monitoring, and sugarcane field status tracking. The results of the experiments showed that sugarcane yield increased significantly at 15.03%. The Internet of Things-based environmental data collection system in sugarcane fields outperformed manual data recording significantly. It provided real-time data updates hourly. However, during adverse weather conditions or insufficient sunlight, the equipment and system experienced reduced efficiency and intermittent data transmission. The researchers recommend increasing battery capacity or integrating the system with a basic electrical supply to ensure continuous data collection and to support the development of automated irrigation systems for the sugarcane and sugar production industry in the future.

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How to Cite
Jaidee, A., Srisuphotnanont, S., & Phumla, P. (2024). Data Logger System in Sugarcane Using Internet of Things. Journal of Science Ladkrabang, 33(1), 103–117. Retrieved from
Research article


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