The Screening Balance Ability to Identify Fall Risk Using the Mini-BESTest in the Pre-elderly


  • Anyamanee Yingyongyudha Faculty of Physical Therapy and Sport Medicine, Rangsit University
  • Purisa Pachdee Faculty of Physical Therapy and Sport Medicine, Rangsit University
  • Kanjana Kaewkong Faculty of Physical Therapy and Sport Medicine, Rangsit University
  • Kwanrat Yochboon Faculty of Physical Therapy and Sport Medicine, Rangsit University
  • Kamonluk Kabounkla Faculty of Physical Therapy and Sport Medicine, Rangsit University


Outcome Assessment, Fall, Pre-elderly


A fall is a common problem in all ages. The age-related physiological changes of various systems. (e.g., cardiovascular system, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, etc.). Especially, the balance control is the main factor that affects the fall in elderly and can lead to the death of elderly. The preparation of fall prevention in pre-elderly is needed. Mini-BESTest is important screening tool for evaluating fall risk and dynamic balance. The Mini-BESTest has the sensitivity of 68% and specificity of 65% in the pre-elderly people who are at a risk to fall. The scores of the Mini-BESTest are less than 22.5 that represented a risk to fall. The Mini- BESTest is suitable for screening risk to fall in pre-elderly due to the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. The evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of the Mini-BESTest screen falls in the pre-elderly. Healthy male and female pre-elderly participants were divided into two groups; non-fall group and fall group (History of past 6-month of falls) (n=64 per group). Their balance abilities were assessed by using the Mini-BESTest, BBS, and TUG. An analysis of the resulting receiver operating characteristic curves was performed to calculate the area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, cutoff score, and post-test accuracy. The results show that the Mini-BESTest had the highest AUC (0.71) compared with the BBS (0.59) and TUG (0.62). It demonstrates that the Mini-BESTest has the highest accuracy for identifation of pre-elderly with history of falls. At the cutoff score of 22.5 (out of 28), the Mini-BESTest demonstrated a post-test accuracy of 66% with a sensitivity of 64.06% and specificity of 68.75%. The Mini-BESTest has the highest post-test accuracy, with the others having results of 57% (BBS), and 52% (TUG).


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How to Cite

Yingyongyudha, A., Pachdee, P., Kaewkong, K., Yochboon, K., & Kabounkla, K. (2023). The Screening Balance Ability to Identify Fall Risk Using the Mini-BESTest in the Pre-elderly. Journal of Food Health and Bioenvironmental Science, 12(2), 29–33. retrieved from



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