Effect of Chilling and Freezing Storage of Cookie Dough on Dry Roasted Pork Cookie Quality
Cookie quality, Cookie dough, Chilling and freezing, Storage conditionAbstract
Low temperature is an easy technique which preserves and retains product quality. The objectives of this research were to develop the Trang local roasted pork pieces into cookies and to study the effect of chilling and freezing of cookie dough on cookie quality. The methodology of research was conducted by studying 3 different levels (25%, 50% and 75%) of dry roasted pork suitable to be cookie and study the cookie properties: microbiological and physical quality. The results of this research indicated that addition of dry roasted pork into cookie dough at 50% level received the highest sensory score for all aspects. The 50% dry roast pork cookie dough was studied regarding chilling and freezing storage condition, and determined color, spread ratio and textural quality. The color parameters were determined through lightness (L*), redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) values of both cookie dough models stored under chilling and freezing and the results showed that these values increased with increasing retention time. In terms of cookie color from chilling and freezing cookie dough, it was found that L* and a* decreased but b* was unchanged. The spread ratio for both cookies from chilling and freezing dough decreased, the spread ratio of freezing dough was lower than chilling dough. When cookie’s textural quality was investigated, hardness value from both chilling and freezing cookie dough increased after week 2 and increase rate continued until week 6. In addition, the chewiness value increased for both cookies from chilling and freezing dough. The fracturability of cookies from chilling and freezing dough slightly increased after 6-week storage. Crispiness value of both cookies from chilling and freezing dough were stable as early as 2 weeks and continually increased until last storage time at week 6.
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