Enhancement for Microbial Safety of Peeled Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) by the Application of Hot Water and Acidified Sodium Chlorite
Hot water, Acidified sodium chlorite, Pre-treatment, Fresh-cut, PackagingAbstract
Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) is one of the most used ingredients that is commonly found in Asian cuisine preparation. However, it poses a safety risk due to the microbial contamination. The ideal conditions for peeled shallot processing were pre-treated with hot water (HW) followed by 100 ppm acidified sodium chlorite (ASC) solution and packed under vacuum packaging (VP), then stored at 5±2°C. This condition reduced the loads of aerobic bacteria, yeasts and molds during storage by 0.68-0.80 and 0.46-0.95 log CFU/g FW, respectively, which was better than the control samples. There was a slight increase in weight loss and total phenolic content during cold storage. The combination treatments of HW and ASC packed under VP had no effect on weight loss and antioxidant capacity as compared to control sample throughout the storage period.
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