Production of D-tagatose: A review with emphasis on subcritical fluid treatment

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Pramote Khuwijitjaru
Neeranuch Milasing
Shuji Adachi


D-Tagatose is gaining much interests as a sugar substitute and a functional ingredient. Development of tagatose production process has been investigated by researcher around the world for more than 30 years. Chemical and enzymatic processes are currently employed for commercial scale production but the cost is still an obstacle. In this review, all potential methods for producing tagatose were summarized with the recent publications. In addition, a novel method, subcritical fluid treatment was also introduced and discussed for its potential.


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How to Cite
Khuwijitjaru, P., Milasing, N., & Adachi, S. (2018). Production of D-tagatose: A review with emphasis on subcritical fluid treatment. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 12(3), 159–167.
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