Effect of experiential activities planning program on health literacy and 3E2S health behaviors among village health volunteers
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This research was conducted as a quasi-experimental, two-group pre-test/post-test study designed to examine the effect of experiential activity planning (EAP) health literacy promotion program on the health literacy and 3E2S health behaviors. The survey was completed by 60 village health volunteers. The sample group was divided into an experimental group and a control group, with 30 volunteers in each group. The experimental group undertook the EAP health literacy promotion program while the control group undertook a conventional health literacy promotion program. The data were collected using pre and post experiment questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that the experimental group’s average scores for health literacy and 3E2S health behaviors knowledge after the completion of the EAP health literacy promotion program were higher than before the commencement of the program. Moreover, the post-program scores for the experimental group were also higher than those of the control group. According to the results, it is recommended that the EAP health literacy promotion program provides positive effect on the health literacy and 3E2S health behaviors of the village health volunteers.
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