Perspectives of pregnancy care in rural areas by pregnant women of Bugis ethnicity

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Suriah Suriah
Suci Adriani


The cultural context in the form of habit patterns determines the viewing perspective of pregnancy care by various Indonesian ethnicities. In addition, the viewpoint of pregnant women in the Bugis ethnicity triggers a care pattern assumed to be culturally appropriate and in harmony with the local community. The aim of this study, therefore, was to explore the perspectives of Bugis ethnic pregnant women in rural areas regarding the care provided during pregnancy. This involved a qualitative approach with ethnographic design, while the obtained research was traced using in-depth interview techniques on five pregnant women, five close families, a shaman and a village midwife. Furthermore, the informants were determined through a snowballing technique, initiated with information collected from midwives. The results were then analyzed and the perspectives were presented using a cultural theme model, comprising the patterned cultural beliefs and habits. These viewpoints were manifested in the form of early and late pregnancy care. In the early care, all participants continued to obtain care with the shaman, and followed the procession termed makkatenni sanro. While in the late phase, all pregnant women usually hold an event called maccera' wettang when entering the third trimester. In addition, the shaman and the family played closely related roles, as observed in the aspect of regulating food and taboo behavior during pregnancy. Therefore, cultural communication approach is required to serve as a behavioral referral in relation to pregnant women in rural areas such as shamans and families. This tactic is needed to improve individual perspectives on care provided, and is also considered to be in line with the health context.


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How to Cite
Suriah, S., & Adriani, S. (2022). Perspectives of pregnancy care in rural areas by pregnant women of Bugis ethnicity . Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 16, 22050006.
Health sciences


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