Fluctuating illuminance pattern of tubular fluorescent daylight in 30-minute versus 8-hour measuring duration
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This study aimed to investigate the fluctuating illuminance pattern of tubular fluorescent daylight (CT 6200K). The first investigation focused on the changes within the first 30 minutes in a 1-minute interval while the second investigation examined the changes over 8 hours duration with a 1-hour interval. Luxmeter was used to measure the illumination in pre determined geometrical points in specific room sizes. Illuminance took approximately 5 minutes to reach the peak before it started to deteriorate with time (rs(28) = -0.715, p<0.05). Then, the illuminance seemed to stabilize after the luminaires were turned on for 15 minutes. A similar decreasing pattern was found in the 8-hour duration (r(6) = -0.785, p<0.05) at multiple measurement points (F(1.540, 15.398) = 36.804, p<0.05). The recommendation for lighting experiments involving tubular fluorescent light is to start measurement only after the luminaires were turned on for 15 minutes and could be continuously measured for 4 hours.
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