Improvement of crude protein composition of cassava pulp by yeast fermentation with chicken manure
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The aim of this study was to increase crude protein composition of cassava pulp by yeast fermentation with chicken manure. Two different fermentation experiments were conducted, the first with sugar activation under controlled temperature, and the second with sugar or molasses activation under uncontrolled temperature. The experiments were designed as a factorial arrangement in completely randomized design. Two factors, including treatment composition and fermentation time, were studied. The results revealed that the crude protein percentage of fermented cassava pulp increased in all treatments containing chicken manure. The highest level of crude protein composition was observe in cassava pulp fermented with yeast and chicken manure plus sugar activation for 20 days, which was higher than non-fermented cassava pulp. In conclusion, fermenting cassava pulp by yeast and chicken manure with sugar activation for 20 days could improve the crude protein content of cassava and may be used as an alternative ingredient for animal feeds.
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