Optimizing learning experience in mental-health nursing education using virtual reality simulation with 360-degree video
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Virtual reality (VR) simulation can produce high-realism experiences that pose great potential for producing beneficial outcomes in mental-health nursing education. We conducted a pre- and post-test control group design and used a convenience sample of nursing students (n = 104). VR simulation, over 2 weeks using 360-degree video and a head-mounted device (HMD) were applied. Knowledge and problem-solving abilities prior to and at the simulation intervention’s completion were measured. Learning satisfaction were also assessed. The results were compared against a control group using 2D video clips. There were knowledge improvements from those who completed the 2-week simulation program in both groups. In terms of problem-solving ability, improved areas varied according to those in the 360-degree video VR simulation group, which showed statistically significant decision-making, solution-applying, and evaluation-reflection improvement. The group using 2D video clips showed no statistically significant improvement in problem-solving ability. There was a statistically significant difference in the level of learning satisfaction in the VR simulation group. Significant improvement in knowledge acquisition and problem-solving ability among undergraduate nursing students was achieved through VR simulation. Providing a real-like experience with VR simulation produces more active engagement in learning activities, which ultimately leads to learning satisfaction.
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