Influence of barrel temperatures on physical and cooking properties of extruded glass noodles from edible canna starch
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Conventional method for glass noodle production is a complicated process which mainly uses the expensive mung bean starch. In this research, the glass noodles were extruded from mung bean starch (MBS) and two cultivars of edible canna starches: Thai-purple (TPC), and Japanese-green (JGC). The influence of barrel temperatures on physical properties and cooking qualities of the noodles were investigated. Each starch mix with initial moisture content at 30% (w/w) was extruded with a die diameter of 0.6 mm. The glass noodles extruded from MBS presented cooking time, 2.70-3.50 min, cooking weight, 365.95-376.47%, and cooking loss 6.01-7.84%, while those noodles from TPC, and JGC starch indicated cooking time 2.45-3.00, 2.22-3.00 min, the cooking weight 236.15-384.75%, 253.17-352.25%, and the cooking loss at 18.10-24.60%, and 11.79-18.47%, respectively. The noodle from TPC starch exhibited firmer texture than that from JGC starch. The 9-points hedonic scale sensory evaluation showed that TPC glass noodles had the comparable texture acceptability to the MBS commercial glass noodles by conventional method, but had lower color acceptability. Further improvement of the starch color and cooking loss reduction would increase the potential for the extrusion of edible canna starch for the glass noodle production.
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