Quality attributes of fresh-cut cabbages treated with acetic acid containing maltodextrin and chitosan
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Fresh-cut products are prepared in response to consumer health concerns and the demands in parallel with changes in consumer lifestyles. However, these products undergo processing that causes tissue damage, resulting in browning and increased susceptibility to microbial growth. Therefore, we investigated the application of maltodextrin and chitosan-containing acetic acid (Ac) to prolong the qualities of fresh-cut cabbages in this study. Ac containing maltodextrins with dextrose equivalent DE 10 and 18, and chitosan (DE10-Ac, DE18-Ac, and CH-Ac, respectively) was used to treat fresh-cut cabbages, which were then combined with those treated with distilled water (control) and 0.1% Ac during storage at 6±1°C for 10 days. The results suggested that cabbage leaves treated with DE10-Ac, DE18-Ac, and CH-Ac had significantly higher water vapor resistance than the control and Ac-treated cabbage leaves. Except for CH-Ac, the samples soaked in acetic acid containing solutions significantly reduced the discoloration of cabbage leaf stalks during storage. The total aerobic bacteria in most samples after storage for 10 days were <6 log cfu/g. DE10-Ac was effective in preventing cut surface browning and water loss reduction, and shelf-life extension of fresh-cut cabbage.
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