Rice growth, yield composition and water efficiency in different soil series using alternate wetting and drying water management
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Optimized fertilizer and irrigated water use efficiency are two of the most crucial factors that significantly increase the productivity of rice growing. The objective of the present study was to investigate the beneficial effects of implementing a precision fertilizer management practice in combination with an alternate wetting and drying (AWD) water management practice on agricultural characteristics and water use efficiency (WUE) index of Oryza sativa L. var. indica cv. Pathum Thani 1, grown on Samut Prakan, Phetchaburi, and Rangsit soil series, and compared them with those received continuous flooding (CF) water management practice. Results showed that the response of the agronomic and yield components of the rice to the two water practices was similar, except for the heights of the rice grown on the Phetchaburi soil series, where the rice that received the CF was significantly taller than those that received the AWD. The water savings and WUE index of the rice that received the AWD were relatively better than those of the rice that received the CF by 20.44, 19.79, and 18.96%, and 21.21, 18.15, and 20.48% in the Samut Prakan, Phetchaburi, and Rangsit soil series, respectively. In conclusion, the AWD water management practice did not diminish rice production but did improve water savings and WUE.
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