Ensemble multiple CNNs methods with partial training set for vehicle image classification
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Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are now the state-of-the-art method for several types of image recognition. One challenging problem is vehicle image classification. However, applying only a single CNNs model is difficult due to the weakness of each model. This problem can be solved by using the ensemble method. Using the power of multiple CNNs together helps increase the final output accuracy but is very time-consuming. This paper introduced the new ensemble multiple CNNs methods with a partial training set method. This method combined the advantages of the ensemble technique to increase the recognition accuracy and used the idea of a partial training set to decrease the time of the training process. Its performance helped decrease the time taken by more than 60% but it was still able to maintain a high accuracy score of 96.01%, compared to the full ensemble technique. These properties made it a good choice to compete with other single CNNs models.
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