Alternative use of the house of quality concept to rectify a faulty design in a last-mile delivery thermos container: A case study in Thailand
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This study explored how the House of Quality (HOQ) concept helps rectify a faulty-designed container within the unique context of food delivery in Thailand. The objective was to empirically discover what food delivery personnel (FDP) want from a food delivery container in Thailand. In this case, a local container manufacturer in Thailand just created a prototype, but it was not cost-effective and did not satisfy the FDP. Therefore, the HOQ approach was introduced to guide/educate the practitioners to translate the needs of FDP into optimum specifications for delivery equipment. The results showed that users needed sturdy, lightweight, inexpensive, well-insulated, easy-to-use, suitably sized, attractive, and easily cleaned containers. These preferences were converted to technical specifications including the types of materials, design, cost of materials, thickness, weight, volume, and thermal conductivity. The findings suggested that the containers made of vacuum insulated panels provided space for cooling packs, partitions for food and beverages, and strips for securing the container to the vehicle. Additionally, our study recommend that the price should not exceed 2,000 Baht/box, and the container should have a thickness of approximately 2.5 cm, a weight of 0.5-3 kg, a capacity of 55 litres, and thermal conductivity of about 0.02-0.08 W/m-K.
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