Nanosecond latency drum kit

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Kundan Manohar Jadhav
Abhishek Kumar


Music is incomplete without the beats of the drum. With the advancement in time, music is getting more electronic than acoustic because of its portable feature. Electronics drums are popular musical instruments for producing music and beats with ease. The electronics drum kit is very easy to set up and tune but, and it does not produce heavy noise like acoustic drum kits. The modern music instruments are based on the musical instrument digital interface (MIDI) protocol easier to connect for producing music with another electronic instrument. A musical instrument compatible with MIDI can be connected to the computer system and can produce high-quality sound. In this work, a prototype of a digital drum kit was developed. A piezo sensor at input sensed the pressure, followed by an analog to digital converter generate binary value for the processing based on MIDI protocol. The combination of digital to analog converter and I2S module created corresponding sound. The static delay due to the component experience latency in milliseconds between action and sound. Action and sound get a millisecond-long static lag due to component latency. In this work we tried to minimize latency to nanosecond.


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How to Cite
Manohar Jadhav, K., & Kumar, A. (2022). Nanosecond latency drum kit. Science, Engineering and Health Studies, 16, 22040005.


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