Counting Methamphetamine by Image Processing Technique


  • Precha Kanla
  • Mahasak Ketchum


Counting methamphetamine, Viscircles function, Photogrammetry


This article is presenting ideas in the count of methamphetamines from a photo. Use the program matlab makes the image processing. Using the calculated from the shape styles the size of pill and then count the number of methamphetamines The steps to perform have 4 steps process. 1.Prepare the device. Use the snacks that have the shape styles and color is similar to methamphetamines. 2.Take a picture of methamphetamines by using a digital camera. 3.Bring the image into computer to process the image. The technique of image processing that is used contains Gray Scale, Binary Image, Edge Detection by using the method sobel, so that you can see the edges of tablets methamphetamines. After that, to use the function viscircles define the perimeter along the edge of methamphetamines. To count the number of the circles detected from the image. And then, displays the number of objects in the image. That has to know the number of tablets methamphetamines in the image. 4.Verify that the results from the image processing. From the trial, The Program matlab can count the number of tablets methamphetamines quickly and accurately. Help reduce the time to count the number of methamphetamines when compared to the count by the human.


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How to Cite

Kanla, P., & Ketchum, M. . (2020). Counting Methamphetamine by Image Processing Technique. Science Technology and Innovation Journal, 1(6), 25–30. retrieved from



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