Design cleaning equipment on the lathe platform


  • กันยารัตน์ พูลเพียร วิทยาลัยนวัตกรรมด้านเทคโนโลยีและวิศวกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยธุรกิจบัณฑิตย์


Lathe machine, Chip removal equipment, Turning scrap


The most popular lathes are used in Thailand are the lean-to-center lathes. Which with the nature of the center lathe has a groove located below the vise. When turning the work piece chips will occur and fall into the grooves in the vise area. As a result, the following problems are 1. cause an accident while working 2. blocking work from the problems mentioned above. Therefore, the objective of the paper was to design a chip removal device for turning in front of the lathe. Installing a turning chip removal device in front of the lathe and working of the chip removal device in front of the lathe platform by applying the principles of pneumatics to help in the design of the chip removal device for turning the lathe. Which will be designed with the program SolidWorks, it can be concluded based on the objectives and assumptions that the turning chip removal kit reduces the risk of accidents. Helps to increase work efficiency. None chips left behind in the groove of the lathe and can reduce the working time by 46.7%.


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How to Cite

พูลเพียร ก. (2021). Design cleaning equipment on the lathe platform. Science Technology and Innovation Journal, 2(4), 1–9. Retrieved from



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