The Develop Kapok and Kapok Seed Screening Machine for Increase Capacity Produce Industrial Community


  • อรอุมา เนียมหอม คณะเทคโนโลยีอุตสาหกรรม มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุบลราชธานี


Kapok, Kapok Seed, Screening Seed, Khueang Nai


The develop Kapok and Kapok seed screening machine for Increase capacity Produce Industrial community. The objective of this research are develop innovation of Kapok and Kapok seed screening for Increase capacity Produce Industrial community, for increase material produce in community and enough for market. The Structure of Kapok and Kapok seed screening machine for Increase capacity Produce Industrial community. It Include Electric motor 1HP, for drive the belt to rotate axis of Blender bucket. And spin Kapok to sperate Kapok and Kapok seed. The Kapok seed will fall pass the grille into the bucket under machine. And the blender bucket spin Kapok to inflate and ready to use. The Kapok seed fall into the bottom of machine, it will flow in the pipe behide the machine. The sample result to use Kapok and Kapok seed screening machine found the time to screen Kapok seed by hand in 1 minute, can screen Kapok and Kapok seed at 205 Gram. And then use the Kapok and Kapok seed screening machine at the same time, it will screen Kapok and Kapok seed average 518 Gram. And the screen Kapok by hand in 1 hour, it will screen Kapok average 12.30 Kilogram. And then use the Kapok and Kapok seed screening machine at the same time at 1 Hour, it will screen Kapok average 31.01 Kilogram, it more than working by hand at 18.78 Kilogram


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How to Cite

เนียมหอม อ. (2021). The Develop Kapok and Kapok Seed Screening Machine for Increase Capacity Produce Industrial Community. Science Technology and Innovation Journal, 2(5), 9–18. Retrieved from



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